2023 Oct 24 – October 2023 Meeting Report for ABATE of KS District 5

ABATE District 5 Logo

OCTOBER 7, 2023

The October ABATE of Kansas District 5 Meeting took place at noon on Saturday, October 7th at Big D’s on the Hill in Kansas City, KS. Tony called the meeting to order. All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by a moment of silence.

Treasurer’s Report: Tony reported. The accounts and numbers are in good standing.
Sergeant at Arms Report: Tank reported on those present.
Membership Report: Tony reported on the district membership numbers.
Secretary’s Report: James offered to go over the topics from the last District 5 Meeting. It was decided to wave the reading of the minutes. The last District 5 Meeting was a really short meeting prior to the bike games at the Labor Day Rally. It was mostly discussion in preparation for the games.
Product Line Report: Tony stated there are still district products, such as t-shirts, tank tops and Look Twice License Plates available.
State Report: The Labor Day Rally went well. There was talk about the shower trailer at the rally. Everyone seemed to really like the new setup for the showers. It works well for ABATE, and is cost effective. The State 50/50 goes to the rally grounds road improvement. The 50/50 can be accessed on the state website: abateks.org. Read the State Meeting Report in the newsletter for more about the State Meeting.
Legislative Report: The Meeting of the Minds was a couple of weeks ago in Harrisburg, PA.
There are 40 some sponsors on H.B. 906 – Right to Repair Act; so it’s good to have some movement on that. Meeting of the Minds next year will be a little closer to us, in St. Louis, MO. High priority objectives: autonomous vehicles. Victims should have a right to event records from autonomous vehicles. Also, definition of motorcycle hasn’t been fully established in every state.
Old Business.
Mid-South M.I.L.E. needs donations for the basket. Requesting things that are Kansas themed. Bud made a motion for the district to donate four license plates and two shirts for the basket. Kim seconded the motion. All were in favor, no opposed and the motion passed.
Donations are needed for the End of Year Party door prizes. Contact a board member if you have anything, or know of a sponsor who would like to donate anything for the End of Year Party.
New Business.
District 5 will be at the Antique Motorcycle Show in Lawrence on February 4th, in Lawrence, KS at the fairgrounds.
There was discussion about District 5 considering a place for an event for Motorcycle Awareness Month.
Prior to, and during the District 5 Bike Games and bike show at the Labor Day Rally this year, we had a problem with mis-matched canopy tents with no back. This allowed random people walking through where product and other stuff is stored, among causing confusion at times. It was brought up to look into purchasing a large single canopy with a back on it. Angela made a motion to purchase a 10X20 canopy with sides. Kim seconded. There was no opposed, and the motion passed.
Open Discussion.
Bud made a motion for a donation to Steel Horses, via Michelle to go to Hurst Building for Battered Women. Beth seconded the motion. No one opposed and the motion passed.
District 5 will also continue to be members of the Leavenworth Road Association.
Lastly, there was some discussion about District 5 putting together another motorcycle swap meet like the district used to have annually. There will be more discussion on this in the future.
A motion was made to adjourn. The motion was seconded and passed. Meeting was adjourned.