2023 Dec 6 – Novemberr 2023 Meeting Report for ABATE of KS District 5

ABATE District 5 Logo

NOVEMBER 4, 2023

The November District 5 Meeting was held at noon on Saturday, November 4th at Big D’s on the Hill, in Kansas City, Kansas. Tony called the meeting to order. All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by a moment of silence for lost brothers and sisters, as well as those serving our nation. Ride free.


Sergeant at Arms Report: Tank reported on the number of those present at the meeting.

Secretary’s Report: James offered to read the minutes from the October meeting. Angela made a motion to skip the reading of the minutes and accept them as printed in the newsletter. The motion was seconded. All were in favor and me reading of the minutes were waved.

Treasurer’s Report: Tony reported on the accounts; they are balanced and in good standing.

Membership Report: Tony reported on the District 5 membership numbers.

Product Line Report: The district currently has men’s and women’s t-shirts, tank tops, “Look Twice” license plates, and stickers. If anyone is interested in any of these items, come to a District 5 function and contact a board member. It was decided to wait until we sell off a bit more of the current product before ordering any more new products.

State Report: Tony went over some of the items from the most recent state meeting.

  • The state office has had a printer issue; so if you had a delay in receiving a newsletter, that would be part of the cause.
  • There was an equipment cart stolen from over by the stage area at the Labor Day Rally. The cart was replaced with a new one.
  • For the 50th Labor Day Rally, there will be a raffle for a lever action rifle. The rifle will be
    engraved with an ABATE design on it. This upcoming Labor Day Rally is the 49th rally; it will
    consist of a raffle for a pistol.

Legislative Report:

  • H.R.906: Right to Repair – This is to keep it to where you are able to still be able to work on pretty much anything yourself. Be it a motorcycle, car, lawnmower, chainsaw, whatever it may be. This is important, because not only does it keep the cost down for those
    who can do their own work, but some enjoy working on their own as a hobby, or for customization purposes.
  • Campaign H.R.1435: To amend he Clean Air Act to prevent the elimination of the sale of internal combustion engines.
  • See the state report in the newsletter for more about the state meeting.

Old Business.

The District 5 End of Year Party will be held after the state meeting on Saturday, December 9th at 7pm. The party will take place at the Moose Lodge at 6621 Turner Dr., Kansas City, KS 66111. We still need donations for the “Party in a Wagon,” which will be given away at the End of Year Party. The band performing at the party will be Kraigzlist Killerz. The District 5 End of Year Party
is always a good time, so come on out and join us. We look forward to seeing everyone there.

District 5 will be present at the Antique Bike Show on February 4th at the fairgounds in Lawrence, KS.

New Business.

There was some discussion prior to the meeting about the only U.S. Flag for us to use for the Pledge of Allegiance at the beginning of the meeting is a little hand held flag propped on
the wall. Angela made a motion for a U.S. Flag and stand to be purchased to remedy the issue.
Karen seconded the motion, no one opposed, and the motion passed. A flag will be purchased.

District 5 board positions currently open for election are Assistant District Representative
and Treasurer. Currently nominated for Assistant District Representative is Debbie Harden.
Currently nominated for Treasurer is Angela Thomasson and Becky Bridges. Ballots will counted at the December District 5 Meeting. You can bring your ballot to a meeting, or you can mail your ballot in. If mailed, ballots must be postmarked by November 28, 2023. Mail ballots to ABATE of Kansas District 5 P.O. Box 223 Mission KS, 66201-0223. You must print the word “BALLOT” on the outside of the envelope.

As far as the bike games for the Labor Day Rally, there needs to be a drawing of a layout of
the game field, which includes measurements; then stick with it during game day.

There was some discussion about moving the meetings around the district. Still keeping Big D’s on the Hill as a “home base.” Everyone agreed moving the meetings around the district would be a good idea.

A motion was made to adjourn. The motion was seconded, there was no opposed. The meeting was adjourned.

The next District 5 Meeting will take place at noon on December 2nd at Big D’s on the Hill. All District 5 Meetings are open to the public. Feel free to join in.