2024 JAN 10 – December 2023 and January 2024 Meeting Report for ABATE of KS District 5

ABATE District 5 Logo

January 6, 2023

The January District 5 Meeting was held at noon on Saturday, January 6th, 2024 at Big D’s on the Hill in Kansas City, Kansas. Tony called the meeting to order. All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by a moment of silence for lost brothers and sisters, as well as those serving our country.


  • Sergeant at Arms Report: Tank reported on those present at the meeting.
  • Secretary’s Report: James went over the minutes from the December District 5 Meeting. Becky made a motion to accept the minutes as read and reported in the newsletter. Kim seconded the motion. No one opposed and the motion passed.
  • Treasurer’s Report: Tony went over the accounts. All accounts are in good standing. The district is in the process of turning everything over to the new treasurer and getting acquainted with the processes, policies and procedures. Tony stated he is the only current person listed on the post office box account for the district. Becky made a motion for a second person to be added to the post office box. Kim seconded the motion. No one opposed and the motion was passed. It was decided Angela, the district’s new treasurer will be added to the post office box.
  • Membership Report: Tony reported on the District 5 memberships. It is important
    if you know someone who is a past member that you haven’t seen in a while; check in on them. Maybe it slipped their mind to renew their membership. Bring guests to ABATE functions, introduce them to people and get them signed up.
  • Product Line Report: District 5 has lots of cool t-shirts, tanks, and hoodies. We have all kinds
    of neat stuff, in men’s and women’s, and in pretty much all sizes. It was decided at this
    point not to order anything new, until some of our current inventory is sold.
  • State Meeting Report: The December State Meeting was held in Kansas City, KS. Tony went over the items from the state meeting. See the State Meeting Report in the newsletter for those items from the state meeting. The January State Meeting will be in Norton, KS.

New Business.

  • Tony discussed making an amendment to the District 5 Policies and Procedures. He
    wanted to change the wording that states “Attend District Board Meeting, and monthly
    open meetings.” to “Attend District Meeting, if needed, and monthly open meetings.” Karen
    made a motion for this change in the wording to take place. Louie seconded the motion. No
    one opposed, and the motion passed. Tony will submit the changes.
  • Legislative Report: Kansas is looking at what defines a motorcycle. Basically trying to get the Slingshot out of that description.
  • Tony will be writing to the state senator regarding motorcycle profiling.
  • Bikers Under the Dome will be January 30th in Topeka, KS. 8 a.m., if you want parking, get there early. Call your legislator now to make an appointment to speak with them. This is an excellent opportunity to respectfully speak your mind about motorcycle issues. HR-4468: Choice in Automobile Retail Sales Act was approved and passed in the House.

Old Business.

  • There was more discussion about the district keeping the square device used to accept credit and debit card payments. It was decided to continue using the square for another year and evaluate if it is worth keeping. Angela also brought up forms of payment such as Venmo. She said she would look into it and manage it for the district as part of the duties as treasurer. She would just have to add it to the paperwork to be presented. She will put that together and present it to the district at another meeting.
  • Tony stated he wanted to try another District event for Motorcycle Awareness Month. Everyone seemed to like the idea we had last year out at Wyandotte County Lake. The district didn’t have a lot of turn out, but feel like if there was more put into preparation for it, there would be more attendees. Becky made a motion for District 5 to put together an event for
    Motorcycle Awareness Month in May. The event will include our May District Meeting and
    will take place at Wyandotte County Lake. Kim seconded the motion. No one opposed and
    the motion passed. The district will put together this event.
  • There is a Vintage Motorcycle Show on February 4th at the Douglas County Fairgrounds – 2120 Harper St. Lawrence, KS. 9am – 2pm. All motorcycles must be at least 35
    years old and appear runnable. Visit SFTrail.org District 5 will have a booth at this event.

Next meeting February 3rd at Big Ds 2139 S.34th Kansas City, Kansas.

Becky made a motion to adjourn. Kim seconded. No one opposed and the motion passed. Meeting adjourned.

December 2, 2023

The December District 5 Meeting was held at noon on Saturday, December 2nd, 2023 at Big D’s on the Hill in Kansas City, KS. Tony called the meeting to order. All present stood for the Pledge
of Allegiance, followed by a moment of silence for lost brothers and sisters, as well as those serving our country.


  • Sergeant at Arms Report: Tank reported on the members and visitors present.
  • Membership Report: Tony reported on the membership status of the District.
  • Product Line Report: Tony reported on the product line. There are still “Look Twice,
    Save a Life” license plates available. The price on the license plates has been further
    reduced. There are men’s and women’s sizes on all shirts, tanks, and hoodies. The district
    will continue to hold off on ordering new product until more of the current product is sold.
  • Secretary’s Report: James went over the minutes from the November meeting. There were
    no questions and the minutes were accepted as printed in the newsletter.
  • Treasurer’s Report: Tony reported on the accounts, based on the report from Geoff. All
    accounts are up to date and in good standing.
  • State Report: Tony reported to the district on the items from the State Meeting. Please see
    the State Meeting report for the minutes from the State Meeting.
  • Legislative Report: H.R.- 4468: Choice in Automobile Retail Sales Act (CARS Act stops the agenda to force Americans to drive electric vehicles) – Goes to full House vote the week of this meeting. H.R.-906: Right to Repair Act – is not out of committee yet. Representatives can still be contacted (respectfully) to let them know how the public feels on the right to be able to do repairs to your motorcycle, lawnmower, chainsaw, car, etc. H.B.4468: To prohibit
    the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency from finalizing, implementing, or enforcing a proposed rule with respect to emissions from vehicles, and for other purposes. Neither Davis nor Turner from Kansas have jumped on the bill yet, so mention your support.

Old Business.

  • Party in a wagon tickets for the End of Year Party were still available at the meeting, as well as up to and during the party. Donations for the door prizes and silent auction are and will still being sought after and accepted for the End of Year Party.
  • The votes were counted for the District 5 board positions up for election. Debbie
    Harden was re-elected for the
    position of Assistant District Representative. Angela Thomasson was elected as the Treasurer.
  • The food menu has changed for the December State Meeting, which District 5 will
    be hosting.

New Business.

  • There was some discussion about the District 5 website, as well as if the district should continue using the square to be able to accept credit/debit card purchases. The discussion
    about the square was tabled for another meeting.
  • There was some talk about a location for where to host the 2024 State Meeting and End
    of Year Party. Members are to think of some other locations, if not the Moose Lodge, and bring them back to the district. The discussion was then tabled.

The January District 5 Meeting will be held at noon on Saturday, January 6th, 2024 at
Big D’s on the Hill in Kansas City, KS.
The February District 5 Meeting will be held at noon on Saturday, February 3rd, 2024 at
Big D’s on the Hill in Kansas City, KS. There will be a chili cook-off during this meeting.
If you think you make a mean chili, bring some in to put it in the contest and share it with everyone.
The March District 5 Meeting will be held at noon on Saturday, March 2nd, 2024 at Papa C’s BBQ in Paola, KS (807 S. Silver St., Paola, KS 66071).

A motion was made to adjourn. The motion was seconded, no one opposed and the motion passed. The meeting was adjourned.