
ABATE of KS District 5 Flag PictureMeeting Schedule

December 7, 2024, Saturday:  The December District 5 Meeting will be held at noon on December 7that The Bar on K32 – 6720 Kaw Dr., Kansas City KS 66111

January 4, 2024, Saturday: The January Meeting will take place at noon on January 4th at the American Legion, Post 199 – 7942 Leavenworth Rd, Kansas City, KS 66109

February 1, 2024, Saturday: The February District 5 Meeting will be at noon on February 1st, 2025, at Big D’s on the Hill, 2139 S 34th ST., Kansas City, KS 66106. This meeting will also consist of the District 5 chili cook-off. So, bring your best chili and enter it to win. Everyone has a secret to their best chili, what’s yours? I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours… eh? We’ll see.

End of Year Party 2024
End of Year Party 2024

ABATE Of Kansas State Meeting and District 5 End of Year Party

December 14, 2024, Saturday: The December ABATE State Meeting will be hosted by District 5 and will take place at noon at the Moose Lodge at 6621 Turner Dr., Kansas City, KS.66111. It will be followed up by the District 5 End of Year Party later that evening at 7pm. We are still needing donations for the live auction, door prizes and party in a wagon.


ABATE District 5 Logo

About ABATE Of Kansas – District 5

ABATE of Kansas, Inc. is a political action organization which advocates for the interests of motorcyclists in Kansas. District 5 is organized to represent Wyandotte, Johnson, Miami and Linn counties.

District 5 conducts monthly meetings that are open to the public. Meetings are typically held on the first Saturday or Sunday in the month at noon. Please check this web site for specifics because meeting locations rotate. Check the above information and subscribe to our blog below for email updates. September meeting is held outside the District at the ABATE of Kansas Labor Day Rally site.

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State of Kansas

ABATE of Kansas LogoWeb site: ​​http://www.abateks.org/

Visit the website and get in on the monthly 50/50 raffle.