2023 APR 11 – April 1 2023 Meeting Report for ABATE of KS District 5

ABATE District 5 Logo

APR 1, 2023

The April ABATE of Kansas District 5 Meeting was held at noon at the Bub’s Bar in Louisburg, KS on Saturday, 1st, 2023. Tony called the meeting to order. All present stood for the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by a moment of silence for lost brothers and sisters, as well as for those serving our country.


Sargent At Arms Report: Tank reported on all those present at the meeting.

Secretary’s Report:  A motion was made by Ang to wave the reading of the minutes from the March District 5 Meeting and just go over some of the highlights. Bud seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion was passed. The minutes were accepted and approved as reported and printed in the newsletter.

Treasurer Report: Geoff reported on the accounts. Everything is in good standing and was accepted and approved as reported.

Product Line Report: Tony reported. District 5 still has products available. There are shirts, front “Look Twice” license plates, etc. Contact a board member, or check out one of our events or meetings if interested in any products available. Tony stated he got back in and followed back up with the company that printed up the District 5 stickers to give to new members and such. Ang made a motion to move forward with acquiring the stickers. Beth seconded the motion. The motion was put to vote and was approved.

State Report: Tony went over the items from the State Meeting. The State Meeting was held in Dodge City, KS.

  • Run for The Wall is soon approaching, and will be coming along I-70, right through Kansas. Ang made a motion for District 5 to do its part in contributing to the Run for The Wall effort with fuel-ups. Beth seconded the motion. It was put to vote and was passed.
  • Work began in April on the shower trailer for the Labor Day Rally. Work weekends and such have also begun out at the Labor Day Rally site. Now is the time to be putting in those hours. Online registration for the Labor Day Rally is also up and running.
  • SB-108 on profiling is done and over with for the year; but will carry over to next year.
  • Bikers Inside the Beltway: National Motorcycle Lobby Day – Bikers are going to be gathering in Washington D.C. Thursday, May 14th, to protest on being able to work on your own, pretty much anything (motorcycle, lawnmower, tractor…) and much more. Tony will be attending this event.

Old/New Business.

  • The District 5 Website is up and running. There is now a spot on the website where you can subscribe. If you subscribe, you can get updates on everything in District 5 via email.
  • The date is now confirmed with the Moose Lodge in Kansas City, Kansas for the District 5 End of Year Party and State Meeting.
  • Insurance is taken care of for the May District 5 Meeting and event at Wyandotte County Lake. Grill and water, food, and beverages have all been arranged and will be available for donation.

The May District 5 Meeting will be held at noon on the 13th of May at Wyandotte County Lake- Shelter 10. There will be food and refreshments available. Bring your beverages as well (no glass containers). We will have a ride at the bike show. No driving or parking on the grass. The June 4th meeting is being confirmed, but will likely be held at noon at The Tumbleweed in Gardner, KS. July meeting will be held at noon on July 9th at Big D’s on the Hill, in Kansas City, KS. The August 5th meeting will be held at noon at the Labor Day Rally Site, followed by a District 5 work event.

Ang made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Beth and was passed. All members and non-members are welcome to attend District 5 Monthly Meetings. Feel free to drop by and say hello.