2024 NOV 13 – OCT & NOV 2024 Meeting Report for ABATE of KS District 5

ABATE District 5 Logo

OCT 5, 2024

The October District 5 Meeting took place at noon on Saturday, October 5th, 2024 at the Moose Lodge in Kansas City, Kansas. Tony called the meeting to order. All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by a moment of silence for lost brothers and sisters.


  • Sergeant at Arms Report: Tony gave in Tank’s absence. Tony reported on the numbers of those present at the meeting.
  • Secretary’s Report: James went over the minutes from the September meeting. A motion
    was made to accept the reading of the report and as printed in the newsletter. The motion was passed.
  • Treasurer’s Report: James gave in Angela’s absence. James reported on the account
    numbers as given to him prior to the meeting.
  • State Report: The State Meeting took place the weekend after the Labor Day Rally. See the State Report in the newsletter for more on the State Meeting. The meeting of the Minds was last weekend (last weekend in September) in St. Louis. There were lots of good seminars. The hospitality room was great.
  • Legislative Report: Do your research and vote.

Old Business.

  • The December State Meeting and End of Year Party was discussed. District 5 will host the December State Meeting as usual, and as per usual it will be followed up by the annual End of Year Party. This year, it will take place again at the Moose Lodge (6621 Turner Dr., Kansas City, KS 66111) in Kansas City, KS. Some of the food items were talked about, like BBQ and potatoes; similar to last year because those present seemed to really enjoy it. Donations are needed for door prizes and silent auctions items. Tony stated he has everything set to print for Party in a Wagon. There was talk about color for the tickets. Beth will be picking up the wagon for the Party in a Wagon.
  • Make sure you sign up on the District 5 website, so you can be updated for district events or changes to events.

New Business.


  • The November District 5 Meeting will take place at noon on Saturday, November 2nd at Big
    D’s on the Hill – 2139 S. 34th St., Kansas City, KS 66106.
  • The December District 5 Meeting will be held at noon on December 7that The Bar on K32 – 6720 Kaw Dr., Kansas City KS 66111
  • The January Meeting will take place at noon on January 4th at the American Legion, Post 199 – 7942 Leavenworth Rd, Kansas City, KS 66109.

All are welcome at District 5 meetings and functions. We look forward to seeing everyone there. A motion was made to adjourn. The motion passed.

Nov 2, 2024

The November District 5 Meeting was held at noon on Saturday, November 2nd, 2024 at Big D’s on The Hill in Kansa City, KS. Tony called the meeting to order. All stood for The Pledge of Allegiance, followed by a moment of silence for lost brothers and sisters. Sergeant of Arms


  • Tank reported on the number of members and visitors present. He also gave a rundown on the meeting agenda and expectations.
  • Secretary’s Report: James went over the minutes from the October District 5 Meeting. The Report was approved as reported in the meeting, as well as printed in the newsletter.
  • Treasurer’s Report: James reported on Ang’s absences. All accounts are in good standings. James presented the accounts for the District Representative, as well as for those present to observe.
  • The Treasurer’s Report was approved as reported.
  • Membership Report: Tony reported on the District 5 membership numbers.
  • Product Line Report: There will be product available for the End of Year Party. The district is currently holding off on purchasing new product until after the End of Year Party.
  • State Report: Tony went to the Meeting of the Minds. It was a great turn out. We are still fighting the Right to Repair. This is not just an issue with motorcycles. This issue is motorcycles, cars, farm equipment, lawnmowers, everything. It is making anything to where you are unable repair or service your own vehicle or equipment on your own at home. Look into this and contact your local representative about it.

Old Business/New Business.

  • The December ABATE State Meeting will be hosted by District 5 and will take place at noon at the Moose Lodge at 6621 Turner Dr., Kansas City, KS.66111. It will be followed up by the District 5 End of Year Party later that evening at 7pm. We are still needing donations for the live auction, door prizes and party in a wagon.
  • District 5 has been asked to host the motorcycle games at the ABATE June Rally at the Old Military Trail. This is an old rally style event. More to update soon.
  • ABATE will have a booth at the 25th Annual Santa Fe Trail Antique Motorcycle Show and Swap Meet in Lawrence, KS, on Sunday, February, 2, 2025. Showcasing motorcycles from the 50’s. They will feature motorcycles 35 years and older as well. The show takes place at the Douglas County Fairgrounds: 2120 Harper St., Douglas County Fairgrounds, Lawrence, KS 66046.


  • The December District 5 Meeting will be held at noon on December 7th at The Bar on K32 – 6720 Kaw Dr., Kansas City KS 66111, followed the next week by the state meeting and District 5 End of Year Party as previously mentioned.
  • The January District 5 Meeting will take place at noon on January 4th, 2025 at the American Legion, Post 199 – 7942 Leavenworth Rd, Kansas City, KS 66109.
  • The February District 5 Meeting will be at noon on February 1st, 2025, at Big D’s on the Hill, 2139 S 34th ST., Kansas City, KS 66106. This meeting will also consist of the District 5 chili cook-off. So, bring your best chili and enter it to win. Everyone has a secret to their best chili, what’s yours? I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours… eh? We’ll see.